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Brett Minchington - Employer Branding Masterclass

Prvý svetovo uznávaný odborný seminár, ako súčasť Brettovho svetového turné o budovaní značky zamestnávateľa (Employer Branding Global Tour), v rámci ktorého navštívil od roku 2007 už viac ako 50 miest v 32 krajinách. Príďte stráviť deň s Brettom, ktorý sa s vami podelí o poznatky z osvedčenej praxe a postupov z celého sveta v oblasti budovania značky zamestnávateľa a sociálnych médií a naučíte sa ako ich aplikovať vo vašej spoločnosti na Slovensku. je partnerom tohoto výnimočného podujatia.


Létající manažeři

Přinášejí do firem nové know-how. V krizi odvracejí krachy. Restrukturalizují firmy, provedou společnost fúzí, akvizicí nebo ji zruší... A pak zmizí jinam. Jsou to supermanažeři a šéfové firem je najímají, aby za pár měsíců udělali radikální řez, ke kterému by se vedení firmy bez podnětu zvenčí odhodlávalo jen stěží. Minulý rok v roli krizových manažerů hlavně osekávali náklady a propouštěli lidi.


Twitter Interim CEO Dorsey brings continuity

Saudi Arabia's Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, one of Twitter's earlier investors, told Reuters he believed Jack Dorsey would bring continuity to the social messaging firm and he would back him if he wished to become chief executive permanently.


"Úspěšně jste založili a rozjeli firmu - co dál?" seminář, Praha 18.6.2015

Zákonitý vývoj vede k tomu, že podnikatelé uvažují v určitých situacích o tom, jak zajistit další existenci firmy aniž by v ní byli nuceni nadále pracovat. Možná jste v takové situaci již dnes. Možná taková situace zatím nenastala. Jednou nastane, a proto je dobré již nyní na takovou situaci připravit sebe i firmu. Na semináři Vás provedeme možnými variantami řešení takových situací a upozorníme na jejich specifika, postupy, možná úskalí a klíčové faktory úspěchu. Protože nedílnou součástí řešení jsou Vaši zaměstnanci, bude polovina času věnovaná výzvám personálního řízení ve firmách.


One third of the companies sees risk in departure of key managers

More than two thirds of Slovak and Czech companies experienced sudden departures of key executives. Even though in most cases senior managers are able to predict this situation, it can never be done on 100 %. This has resulted from an online survey, which was done by portal „Our research has shown, that even though there is intensive use of modern technologies, human input is in the end appreciable. In half of the companies, whose managers were involved in our research, human input represents more than 90 % of company´s performance” says Peter Križan, the founder of hiring managers service


Successful People do not Ignore Problems

Praha, Bratislava 5th April 2014 (FORBES CR + SR) We are here for companies, that cannot afford long-term employment of top professional, but they need to solve their business problems. We offer specialist among the best managers, who have the capacity and potential to bring practical key solutions within the agreed time. We want to make the online database of specialists -, to become the source of challenges for managers – solutionists on one hand as well as an important platform for the owners and managing director of small and medium-sized companies on the other hand.


Interim Executives: Models of Modern Management

Interim executive roles seem to be proliferating. Blackberry appointed John Chen as its interim CEO, and Northern Ireland Water announced that its interim CEO would stay in post while the board tried, for a second time, to find a permanent replacement. Other large companies, including AstraZeneca, have had interim CEOs in recent years. And, of course these public announcements just scratch the surface of a booming market for interim work at all levels, and in all sectors of the economy.


Survey: A flexible job prevents costly staff fluctuation

Bratislava 19th January 2014 (TASR) – Slovak Businessmen are finding out, that a flexible work is often the decisive factor in accepting or rejecting a job offer. Up to 78 % respondents confirm that in two similar job occupations, they would choose the one, with the possibility of a flexible job. This results from a survey conducted by the company Regus.

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