NEW PROJECT! We have a longterm project for a SENIOR MARKETING SPECIALIST experienced with complex management B2B marketing campaigns from A to Z. Interested and available? Please contact for more information: ➢ ➢ ➢ +421911 589 985 ➢ +421 948 901 909
Read more...NEW PROJECT! We have a challenging opportunity for an AWS Developer with programming experiences in AWS technology for the minimum last 2 years. For guidance, pair programming and/or consulting the development team of my client. ➢ remote or onsite at client in Bratislava ➢ 6-9 months interim project ➢ 0,5 FTE/or equivalent needed Interested and available? Please contact for more information: ➢ ➢ ➢ +421911 589 985 ➢ +421 948 901 909
Read more...NEW PROJECT! We have a challenging opportunity for a PRODUCT MANAGER with senior and complex responsibility for the product development, ideally in banking sector, with focus on digital platforms/mobile applications. Interested and available? Please contact for more information:
Read more...NEW PROJECT! We have a challenging opportunity for a TECHNOLOGIST - an expert in polyurethane foam processing and application. Creative position with complex responsibility and competencies, with a big space for deep analysis, research and try/mistake activities. This project will be a perfect fit for an expert with playful approach & strong analytical mindset! Interested and available? Please contact for more information:
Read more...NEW PROJECT! We have a challenging opportunity for a PROJECT MANAGER experiences with mergers and acquisitions, ideally in energy/telco/banking sector. Senior position with complex responsibility and competencies. Great opportunity for an ambitions personality able to influence process as well as leaders! Interested and available? Please contact for more information:
Read more...NOVÝ PROJEKT pre OBCHODNÉHO MANAŽÉRA Na zaujímavý projekt do dynamického tímu obsadzujeme obchodného manažéra s plynulou nemčinou so skúsenosťami s oslovovaním klientov v oblasti spracovania odpadov, nákupu a predaja druhotných surovín, prípadne B2B. • Lokalita: veľa cestovania-západná Európa • Pracovný úväzok: Full time / TPP alebo živnosť • Nástup: dohodou Interested and available? Please contact for more information:
Read more...NOVÝ PROJEKT pre ANDROID DEVELOPERa. Na zaujímavý projekt do stabilného priateľského tímu obsadzujeme tímového hráča so skúsenosťami s KOTLIN kódovaním a chuťou posúvať vpred seba aj tím. • Lokalita: Remote / Onsite • Pracovný úväzok: Full time / TPP alebo živnosť • Nástup: ihneď Technológie •Jazyky: Kotlin, Java • Async knižnice: RxJava, Kotlinx Coroutines • Automatizácia: Fastlane, Bitbucket • Testovanie: Espresso, JUnit • Ďalšie technológie: Firebase, Služby Google Play Interested and available? Please contact for more information:
Read more...NOVÝ PROJEKT pre IOS DEVELOPERa. Na zaujímavý projekt do stabilného priateľského tímu obsadzujeme tímového hráča so skúsenosťami s SWIFT kódovaním a chuťou posúvať vpred seba aj tím. • Lokalita: Remote / Onsite • Pracovný úväzok: Full time / TPP alebo živnosť • Nástup: ihneď Technológie • Jazyky: Swift, Objective-C • Verzionovanie: Git • Automatizácia: Fastlane, Xcode server • Firebase, Cocoapods, Alamofire, REST, JSON, Combine • Skúsenosti s architektúrou MVVM, MVVM-C sú výhodou. Interested and available? Please contact for more information:
Read more...NEW PROJECT! Challenging opportunity for a Business Intelligence/ Data Warehouse Analyst skilled in Business Analysis, Data Analysis, Data Mining, Data Warehousing, Business Intelligence with experiences gained ideally on projects in finance and telco area. Our client is based in Bratislava and attracting team-members with friendly and open culture + inviting conditions. SQL advanced only! Interested and available? Please contact for more information:
Read more...NOVÝ PROJEKT! Obsadzujeme pozíciu vhodnú pre seniorného recruitera so skúsenosťami s masívnymi náborovými kampaňami ideálne v oblasti dopravy a/alebo logistiky na 4 mesačný projekt v júli až októbri. Máte záujem? Prosím kontaktujte ma: