NOVÝ PROJEKT! Ponúkame dlhodobý interim projekt pre TECHNOLÓGA skúseného s plánovaním výrobných procesov v oblasti oceliarstva, alebo automotive, prípadne z oblasti logistiky, na projekt do Prahy. Projekt pozostáva z plánovania technologických časov výroby oceľových dielov, ich povrchovej úpravy, skladových zásob, kritických zásob a objednávania materiálu. Podporou mu/jej bude výrobný tím, kvalitári a kontrolór. Povedomie o normách zvárania a 10 90! Projekt sa nachádza v Prahe a výrobných halách v okolí, je full time, jednosmenná výroba, český team. Projekt sa teraz rozbieha. V prípade Vášho záujmu ma, prosím, kontaktujte: ➢
Read more...NEW PROJECT! We offer challenging project for an experienced interim MACHINING EXPERT eager to apply his/her experience in the company operating in tool design and manufacturing, chromate plating, and assembling of parts. If you have knowledge of mechanical drawing, measuring instruments, at least one programming language siemens/iso/Fanuc, at least one type of machine tool Heller/Sw/Chiron/Gnutti, high predisposition to problem-solving and ability to work in a team involving employees, you are the 100% fit for this project:) Interested and available? Please contact for more information: ➢ ➢ ➢ +421911 589 985 ➢ +421 948 901 909
Read more...NEW PROJECT! We offer challenging project for an experienced interim TEAMLEADER/SHIFT-LEADER eager to apply his/her experience in the company operating in tool design and manufacturing, chromate plating, and assembling of parts. If you have knowledge of mechanical drawing, measuring instruments, at least one programming language siemens/iso/Fanuc, at least one type of machine tool Heller/Sw/Chiron/Gnutti, high predisposition to problem-solving and ability to work in a team involving employees, you are the 100% fit for this project:) Interested and available? Please contact for more information: ➢ ➢ ➢ +421911 589 985 ➢ +421 948 901 909
Read more...NOVÝ PROJEKT! Ponúkame interim výzvu pre STAVBYVEDÚCEHO skúseného s vedením projektov v oblasti výstavby rozvodní (110 kV, prípadne aj 300-400 kV) na projekt na severnej Morave. Polročný projekt ideálne s nástupom ihneď:) Projekt je zameraný na technické dodávanie, dokumentačnú časť aj budovanie sociálnych väzieb (smerom k subdodávateľom, investorovi aj stavebnému tímu). V prípade Vášho záujmu ma, prosím, kontaktujte: ➢ ➢ +421911 589 985 ➢ +421 948 901 909
Read more...NEW PROJECT! We offer challenging project for an experienced interim PRODUCTION PLANNER eager to apply his/her experience in automotive production. The project consists of daily checking the production process in the SAP R/3 and PP/DS system, checking the status of components in the warehouse, meeting production deadlines, checking the status of delayed orders, coordination the flow of information and cooperation with other plant departments in terms of fulfilling orders on time. Interested and available? Please contact for more information: ➢ ➢ ➢ +421911 589 985 ➢ +421 948 901 909
Read more...NEW PROJECT! We offer this challenging project for QUALITY MANAGER... suitable for an experienced interim expert who wants to apply his experience in a manufacturing company, but can also be a challenge for an experienced member of the quality team or internal auditor with managerial and organisational skills. The challenge for the quality manager will be the opportunity to apply the ability to implement changes aimed at streamlining processes and activities in the field of quality, in order to reduce complaints and increase customer satisfaction, as well as the constant introduction of new technologies in the production process. Interested and available? Please contact for more information: ➢ ➢ ➢ +421911 589 985 ➢ +421 948 901 909
Read more...NOVÝ PROJEKT! Ponúkame jedinečnú možnosť byť súčasťou významného environmentálneho programu nadnárodného významu hneď pri jeho zrode vybudovaním potrebnej infraštruktúry. Pre nášho klienta obsadzujem pozíciu PROJEKTOVÝ MANAŽÉR INVESTIČNEJ VÝSTAVBY. Skúsený projektový manažér so stavebným alebo strojárskym zameraním a skúsenosťami s riadením procesu realizácie investičných celkov, pozostávajúcich zo stavieb, technických zariadení budov, technologických zariadení a liniek dostane možnosť sebarealizácie a uplatnenia svojich skúseností na projekte, ktorý má hlbší zmysel. V prípade Vášho záujmu ma, prosím, kontaktujte: ➢ ➢ +421911 589 985 ➢ +421 948 901 909
Read more...NEW PROJECT! We offer the longterm project for a HEAD OF CALL CENTRE and leader of the biggest transformation of customer experience in the company of my client. To increase the quality of services and engage the team. An experienced call centre manager wanted with complex people management skill, able to evaluate the process, propose and implement optimised solutions. Proactive with drive to change. Interested and available? Please contact for more information: ➢ ➢ ➢ +421911 589 985 ➢ +421 948 901 909
Read more...NEW PROJECT! We offer the longterm project for a QUALITY MANAGER experienced with complex quality management including leading the quality department (13 team-members), production, environment, waste management, final inspection. From automotive/ideally from wire harness manufacturing. Interested and available? Please contact for more information: ➢ ➢ ➢ +421911 589 985 ➢ +421 948 901 909
Read more...NEW PROJECT! We offer the longterm project for a MARKETING MANAGER experienced with complex customer journey. From bank or virtual loyalty systems, because experience with digital payment solutions is a must. Creative & independent personality is high appreciated. Interested and available? Please contact for more information: ➢ ➢ ➢ +421911 589 985 ➢ +421 948 901 909